Disasters Story Briefs

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

Poor Laws, which Britain imposed on Ireland, caused many Irish people to lose their homes. Tim Downs was one of them.

John Starr March - a 48-year-old American postal clerk working on board Titanic - liked being "at sea."

About 100 years after the Titanic sank, a rare photo was found in the archives of the Mackay-Bennett's 4th officer. It depicts the remains of numerous...

After the Carpathia rescued Titanic's survivors, the crew of a ship called the Mackay-Bennett recovered a body wearing these shoes. Who was that baby...

Jack Phillips, Titanic's senior wireless operator, sent this urgent message at about 1:40 AM (local time) on the 15th of April, 1912.

John Boyne's novel - "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" - is now a major motion picture. This clip presents one of its trailer.

A deadly train wreck near Nashville occurred on July 9, 1918 when two trains collided, head on, traveling between 50-60 mph. Contemporary news reports...

The October 20, 1917 cover of "Literary Digest" gives civilians a look at trench life during WWI. The picture, of course, doesn't tell the full story ...

Raffaello Sanzio (or Santi) - more commonly known as Raphael - was born in 1483 and died, on his 37th birthday, in 1520.

The Nazi war plan for Norway, in April of 1940, includes capturing the Norwegian seaport of Trondheim.

Although people in Thailand had previously experienced the effects of an earthquake, they were unfamiliar with tsunamis and their amazing power to des...

The universal warning sign for a Tsunami requires no words, so it doesn't matter which language someone speaks. The symbol tells us what we need to kn...

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