Disasters Story Briefs

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

It is possible to detect tsunamis via a system known as "DART," which is short for "Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis."

When a devastating earthquake occurred offshore Banda Aceh, Indonesia - on December 26, 2994 - a massive and deadly tsunami followed soon after.

Tyler Stanger was a flight instructor who owned and operated Stang-AIR based at Brackett Field in La Verne, California. He was flying with Cody Lidle ...

A virulent form of typhus, called ship fever, is often spread by lice. Ship fever claimed the lives of many Irish people who were onboard ships making...

Ofuna, a place Louis Zamperini came to know well, was a secret interrogation camp where Japanese officials questioned prisoners of war.

The U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command contracted with the owners of Blue Marlin, a heavy lift ship, to transport the American guided-missile destro...

After delivering parts of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, the USS Indianapolis is torpedoed and sinks in July of 1945. Years later, a 12-year-old school bo...

On the 26th of October, 1942, the USS Juneau (CL-52) was involved in the Battle of Santa Cruz Islands.

About two months after the USS Maine exploded, in Havana's harbor, the U.S. declared war on Spain. All but one member of the Maine's championship-winn...

On December 12, 1937 Japanese forces in China attacked and sank this American gunship - the USS Panay (PR 5) - while it was anchored in the Yangtze Ri...

Verdun is an example of winning a battle by attrition; the human losses are staggering.

As soldiers wear gas masks, the battle for Verdun grows ever-more costly while French defenders rally around this charge: "Verdun Must Not Fall!"

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