Disasters Videos

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

In this clip - from the PBS documentary, "Eyes on the Prize" - Moses ("Mose") Wright tells what happened the night Roy Bryant and J.

Less than two months after her husband was killed, Mrs.

The Dallas Police Department frequently put Oswald in front of television cameras between his time of capture and murder.

Carefully setting-up a test to determine what may have caused Columbia to explode during the Orbiter's re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, NASA disc...

The stories which the Navajo tell about "The Fearing Time" - as they made "The Long Walk" to the parched territory of Bosque Rodondo - are filled with...

General James Henry Carlton was the architect of the Bosque Rodondo experiment.

In occupied Holland, Dutch churches issued a collective protest against the treatment of the country's Jews.

Learn about redrawing national boundaries.

Nicholas II and his family have been stripped of power and sent into Siberian exile.

Aboard the USS Panay, on the 12th of December 1937, was a Universal News cameraman who had covered World War I and was in China to report on the Japan...

Changing his mind about the extent of U.

Ruth Paine, who helped Lee Oswald get a job at the Texas School Book Depository, and provided shelter for his wife and two daughters, unwittingly gave...

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