Disasters Videos

Whether natural or man-made, disasters simultaneously cause massive destruction and unity of people trying to help those in need. Discover some of the world's worst disasters in this collection.

In this segment of a 60-Minutes investigation into the Deepwater Horizon disaster, we learn of concerns about other offshore drilling rigs at work in ...

This documentary, from the BBC, acquaints us with the Pacific's "Ring of Fire."  Also referred to as the "Circum Pacific Belt," the area compri...

Because the clouds have cleared on Sunday morning - December 7, 1941 - every pilot has an unobstructed view as hundreds of Japanese airplanes approach...

In this clip from "Pompeii: The Last Day," we step back in time to learn what happened when Vesuvius powerfully exploded, burying the towns of Pompeii...

It's July 3, 1863 and "Pickett's Charge" is about to begin. It ends in disaster for the Confederacy on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Captain Black Sam Bellamy (a notorious pirate who was born in Devonshire, England) lost his flagship (the Whydah Gally) - which he'd captured from the...

"Sully," starring Tom Hanks, depicts a miracle instead of a disaster when all people aboard Flight 1549 survive a water-landing in the Hudson.

"Houston, we've had a problem," are the words Apollo 13's crew used to alert ground control of a near-fatal episode in space. Did the crew of Apollo 1...

In his second letter (6.

Before the 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti on the 12th of January, 2010, the USGS recorded four months of seismic activity in the Central America region.

In this historical footage, recorded by Thomas Edisons film company, President McKinleys funeral cortege initially makes its way through Washington, D...

Early investigations into the explosion on board Deepwater Horizon examine the blowout preventer as a possible source of failure.

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