Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

This picture, taken during the summer of 1941 and online via the National Archives of Norway, depicts an SS sign in Norway. Germanske Norge means "Ger...

Poland receives no aid from other countries when Hitler invades, and the Warsaw Ghetto starts.

James Donovan selected the Glienicke Bridge, connecting West Berlin with Potsdam (in East Germany) as the place to exchange Abel for Powers. It become...

Joseph Goebbels is in charge of propaganda for the Third Reich and controls who can make movies and what those films can depict.

General "Chinese" Gordon offers The Mahdi gifts that he rejects, and then The Mahdi lays siege to Khartoum and beheads Gordon.

Displaying courage and skill, the Greeks (led by Sparta) defeat the Persians (fighting without their ruler, Xerxes).

Hal Moore, co-author of We were Soldiers Once . . . and Young was a soldier's soldier as he followed orders during a hated war.

Dyer protests the harsh anti-Quaker laws and is caught, tried, and threatened with hanging.

With help from his top advisers, who pave the way for a change in Britain, Henry VIII gets his divorce and marriage annulment, from Catherine of Arago...

Although he and Catherine of Aragon have a daughter, Princess Mary, Henry VIII wants a living son. This leads to problems with his marriage.

Postal workers on the Titanic try to save letters and packages.

Heinrich Himmler plans to hide the "evacuation" of the Jews from the world, assuring the Nazis that this is a noble cause.

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