Ethics Audio Narrations

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton did not like each other. Listen to a story about the deadly, and illegal, duel between the two men.

Sickened by the slave trade, William Wilberforce begins a 20-year quest to end the practice.

Writers of children's stories, who also abhorred slavery, wrote books to paint a vivid picture of American chattel slavery.

After Abe Lincoln was elected President, in 1860, Southerners began to secede from the Union.

Accused of spreading the plague during medieval times, Jews were burned in Strasbourg.

It was a fight, over an unpaid-for wig, which set in motion events leading to the Boston Massacre.

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Audio narration of "Arrest of Rudolf Abel," a chapter in "Bridge of Spies."

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