Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Joan goes to the Dauphin of France and convinces him to let her lead the army. Joan prays before going into battle, convinced she will have the victor...

Joan and her army continue to fight even though the King wants peace. Joan loses some battles, is captured and sold to the English.

Joan's jailors steal her clothes, forcing her to wear men's clothing. As soon as she puts them on, she is deemed to be a relapsed heretic and sentence...

John Newton, a former slave trader, writes a journal telling of the horrors of the slave ship.

Men, women and children are captured in Africa and arrive in the "New World" as slaves after a terrible transatlantic journey aboard ships.

The jurors in the Penn case go to Newgate Prison until they pay all fines for disobeying the judge and finding in favor of William Penn.

Katniss and Peeta, the last two Tributes, decide to defy the government by committing suicide to deprive the Capitol of a winner.

Africans are brought to the "new world" under inhumane conditions.

Through the massacre of the Muslims, the Latin/Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem is born.

General Kuribayashi, believing that he will die on Iwo Jima, writes farewell letters to his wife; he allegedly commits suicide rather than surrenderin...

Tsunami warning systems are in place in the Pacific Ocean, but not in the Indian Ocean when the December 26, 2004 tragedy takes place.

The Russians win Berlin, and the last days of Hitler follow.

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