Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

As dementia progresses, once-cohesive thoughts become obscured (leading to frustration and hopelessness).

After successfully vaccinating fifty dogs, Louis Pasteur and his team meet a young boy who was bitten by a rabid dog. They must decide whether to inno...

Louis Pasteur's list of accomplishments is impressive, not least because so many of his ideas went against the grain of contemporary thinking. His mai...

Marie Antoinette loses her head by guillotine seven months after French Revolutionary authorities execute her husband, King Louis XVI

Scrooge can hardly believe that Marley's ghost, carrying its heavy chains, pays him a visit. His old, now-dead partner, has some warnings to deliver.

When the Dyers return to Boston, anti-Quaker sentiment is strong.

Twenty-five-year-old Mary Kelly is Jack the Ripper's final victim.

Mary continues to protest and is hanged, but her death leads to reforms in the religious laws.

Wilberforce works to end the slave trade after trying to improve conditions for Britain's working poor.

While Princess Bernice Bishop is last member ofthe real Kamehameha dynasty, Matt King is the fictional heir.

It's May 4, 1970, and Ohio National Guardsmen open fire on students protesting the Vietnam War at Kent State, killing 4 unarmed students and wounding ...

A white man fatally shoots Medgar Evers because he works for the NAACP and is trying to gain equal rights for blacks.

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