Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Realizing he is powerless to stop the unrest happening in his country, Nicholas abdicates the throne for both himself and his ill son.

Although Nicholas is out-of-touch with the common people, he has the support of the aristocracy for most of his reign.

The Watergate cover up and other mistakes overshadow the good things Nixon did while he was the president.

Despite the trauma Norwegians endured during the country's five-year occupation by Hitler's forces, one thing remained unchanged during those difficul...

During the Nazi occupation of Norway, people showed their solidarity with each other by wearing red caps. Then the Nazis outlawed red caps. This image...

After his slave ordeal is over, Solomon Northup brings charges against the people who wrongfully sold him into slavery. Because a black person cannot ...

Operation Mongoose is a failed US-government attempt to overthrow Castro and communism in Cuba.

Michael Cassius McDonald creates the first organized crime syndicate in Chicago.

Pablo Escobar has one major reason for becoming involved in Colombian politics: To make sure his country does not sign an extradition treaty with the...

Pablo Escobar's family views him, and his death, very differently from most people.

In hiding, after he escapes from confinement, Pablo Escobar is separated from the people he loves the most - his family.

Accumulating enormous sums of money, from illegal drug-trading, Pablo Escobar shares the wealth with poor people, making him a local hero.

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