Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Those who help runaway slaves obtain freedom are punished.

A long investigation, by the Warren Commission, officially concludes that Oswald acted alone in President Kennedy's murder.

Rabies is still a life-threatening illness in real life. It is also an influencer for movies and novels starring Zombies.

After Pasteur and his team developed a very effective rabies vaccine, scientists turned their research-attention elsewhere. Rabies, however, still kil...

The Navy has a long history of racial discrimination so Brashear does menial tasks and has little hope of advancement.

The sailors sent to repair the leak suffer from radiation sickness and many of them die.

Raoul Wallenberg tells Iver Olsen that he will work to save as many Hungarian Jews as possible from being sent to Nazi camps.

Since the Empress becomes so dependent on Rasputin, members of the family believe murder is the only way to get rid of the monk.

Rasputin treats Alexei's hemophilia and becomes a trusted, close advisor to the Romanov family.

Many people believe that the police cover-up the identity of the Ripper because he is someone of importance in London.

People wear red poppies on Veterans' Day. Why is that? Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red, an artistic display of 888,246 ceramic poppies at the Tower ...

Here are links about Puritans, Quakers, Mary Dyer, and Anne Hutchinson.

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