Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

An artist in his own right, Rudolf Abel used that profession, plus photography, as his cover in America. No one suspected that he was anything but wha...

Rudolf Abel, born in England and given the name Willy Fisher, became well-known as a Soviet spy when he was captured, in the US, during 1957.

Rudolf Abel's main contact, in the U.S., was a hard-drinking individual who was indiscrete about his activities. Abel rightly worried that he could be...

Illegally entering the US from Canada, with a passport belonging to a deceased person, Rudolf Abel begins his life as a spy in America and settles dow...

While the Japanese plan Pearl Harbor, their Washington DC diplomats keep in contact with US officials; rumors of war begin.

Although the Soviet Union never acknowledged that its policies caused the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33, Russia acknowledged it in 2003.

Saladin, a powerful Muslim leader, believes God has called on him to free Palestine.

Since Lizzie has no attorney when she answers questions at the inquest , thereby violating her rights, her inquest testimony cannot be used against he...

The captain searches for nearby submarines to take his radiation-sick sailors.

Ultimately Jews become scapegoats during the medieval plague; 2,000 burn to death in Strasbourg on Valentine's Day, 1349.

Examine paintings and engravings of the American West before the transcontinental railroad.

A new case declares that the Supreme Court decision about busing discriminates against non-black children; the law changes once more.

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