Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

The Great Depression is a time of despair with people literally starving in America.

The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in 1572 involves assassinations and mob violence by Roman Catholics towards the Huguenots.

People in Galveston should have received warnings of the 1900 hurricane; however, the U.S. Weather Bureau banned all data and warnings from Cuba.

A house in London, which appears to have a neglected door, isn't neglected after all. A strange man, who looked detestable, had keys to come-and-go th...

The Sullivan Brothers give their all, and live-on in posters which remind U.S. citizens to give the war effort all they can.

Japan surrenders on August 14, 1945, just eight days after the US drops an atom bomb on Hiroshima.

In order to survive, starving men of the whaleship Essex resort to cannabilism, the very thing which kept them from seeking refuge at islands much-clo...

Lucas, Belon's son, describes living through the tsunami, the survivors, the hospital and rescue by his father and brothers.

On November 5, 1872 citing the 14th Amendment, Susan B. Anthony casts her vote in the Presidential election.

American colonials do not want to pay taxes to Britain when they cannot elect members of Parliament. Therein lie seeds of rebellion.

After the Swann case ruling, from the Supreme Court, T. C. Williams High School begins serving black and white students.

Disaster descended on Norway when the Nazis invaded, then occupied, the beautiful country for five years, beginning on April 9, 1940. This image depic...

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