Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

View videos and listen to stories from tsunami survivors who explain their account of the destruction.

One way convoys crossing the North Atlantic could protect themselves, and the supply-carrying ships they were escorting, was to drop depth charges aga...

With the sinking of the U-559, the British gain the information they need to finally break the Enigma Machine's code.

As Ukrainians starve, the Soviet government covers-up the disaster occurring in Ukraine by selling more and more grain to other countries.

The Bolsheviks change their sharing policies to taking policies not long after consolidating their power.

As he transforms the USSR into an industrial powerhouse, Stalin will pay for his plans with Ukrainian grain.

Stalin's orders to take Ukrainian grain, between 1932-33, cause people throughout Ukraine to starve.

When the lawmakers are the lawbreakers, and a crime is not legally a crime, how can we trust the law?

An important question to ask: When lawmakers say a crime is not a crime, is the action still ethically a crime?

Bombs strike the USS Arizona causing it to explode; 900 sailors die and the ship sinks.

100 years ago, a mother influenced her son to vote "yes" for female suffrage. August 18, 1920 was the day when Tennessee ratified the 19th Amendment.

Wilberforce becomes religious and combines his strong faith with his politics.

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