Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Bodies of the Romanov family remain in a shallow grave until 1979, when they are found.

Bodyguards are not protecting President Lincoln when John Wilkes Booth shoots him.

Whitechapel, where the "Ripper murders" occur, is a very poor part of 19th-century London.

The Dyers meet George Fox, the Quaker leader in England and join his group.

Bagger Vance is a fictional character resembling Bhagavan in the Hindu scriptural story of the Bhagavad-Gita.

Because no one is sure what has happened to the Tsar's children, people begin to wonder whether some of the family members have survived.

This image depicts the artistic impression of Alexandra Wallner as she illustrates an imagined scene from the trial of Susan B. Anthony for “ill...

Many South Vietnamese people do not support the war and want peace.

Robert Newsom continuously rapes his slave, Celia.

Although President Truman's decision to use an atomic weapon remains controversial, many agree that more lives would have been lost during an invasion...

Analyze some of the reasons why people joined massive pilgrimages during medieval times, later referred to as the Crusades.

The intent is not to fight, but to provide short-term advice to South Vietnam as they reject advances from the Communist North.

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