Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Bulgaria, a communist country, is home to the Belene labor camp.

After the Civil War ends, the desire to forget slavery almost causes the stories to be lost, but the government steps in.

The U.S. Washington recaptures the Amistad captives when their ship is in New York waters.

After the papers are made public, Ellsberg and Russo are tried, but the case is dismissed.

The causes of the Great Depression are still debated.

Church leaders and Elizabeth's husband, Theophilus, request that she leave the Bible class in which the teacher encourages Elizabeth's outspoken views...

In honor of the astronauts, Challenger Learning Centers provide space and science information.

People who have dementia undergo changes which they recognize as hurtful and harmful to their well-being.

Today child miners still work in some countries, but laws now protect them in the U.S. and the U.K.

To fairly assess the impact of Dicken's "A Christmas Carol," on British culture, we have to examine what Christmas was like, in the UK, before Dickens...

The country comes to the aid of Chicago, but no one pays any attention to the other Midwest cities which also burn on October 8.

Albert Nieman discovers how to separate the alkaloid base of the coca plant. Thereafter, many products now contain small amounts of cocaine.

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