Ethics Chapters

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

In the city of Nanking, China, Japanese soldiers plunder, rape and kill thousands of men, women and children.

Although President Kennedy expresses sadness at the death of the South Vietnamese President, the assassination was in line with U.S. interests.

Despite the horrible wartime conditions in Poland, Szpilman manages to stay hidden and alive.

Russia's Tsar orders a firing-squad charade to show Dostoevsky and his colleagues what happens to lawbreakers.

The decision makers divide Germany into East and West as residents struggle to survive.

President Truman makes a decision to use America's atomic weapons to bomb Japan.

Saladin captures King Guy but spares his life; he executes almost everyone else.

Jewish people inside the ghetto resist the Nazis as the ghetto burns to the ground.

Curious to see "Public Enemy Number One," people go to view Dillinger's body while at the morgue.

Anna Sage, a Romanian immigrant, offers information on Dillinger to the FBI in exchange for their help in preventing her deportation.

Political cartoons make fun of public policies and politics.

What became of James Donovan, Rudolf Abel and Francis Gary Powers after their encounter on the Bridge of Spies?

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