Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Every November 5th, as bonfires burn, Britain celebrates being saved from a national catastrophe when Guy Fawkes was discovered with 36 barrels of gun...

In this fictional setting, at Jurassic World, scientists working in the "Hammond Creation Lab" follow a detailed process to produce new dinosaur attra...

Henry Bliss Northup was the man who rescued Solomon Northup - whose slave name was ''Platt Hamilton'' - from slavery.

In this scene from Kenneth Branagh's version ofHenry V, released in 1989, we see the English king and his men assessing both French and English losses...

By 1527, Henry VIII is sure he wants to divorce Catherine of Aragon. To do so, he reaches back in time to the injunction he once had a Pope set aside.

Irish school children, in the 1960s, tell the story of St. Patrick (of St. Patrick's Day).

On the 70th anniversary of VJ Day, people still wonder whether Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, was responsible for Japan's role in WWII. To his people, Hi...

James O'Donnell's book The Bunker is about the last days of the Third Reichbased on extensive eyewitness interviews and documents.

A painting, by Sir Luke Fildes, depicts desperate conditions of poor, homeless people during Victorian times. Dickens used Fildes as an illustrator fo...

The story behind designing and building one of America's greatest civil-engineering accomplishments.

The day after he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, in December of 1986, Elie Wiesel gave a Nobel lecture entitled "Hope, Despair and Memory."

Making their point with EXTREMELY graphic depictions of slaves at work (and being punished for daring to rebel or escape), anti-slavery societies did ...

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