Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Joseph Roulin was a good friend of Vincent van Gogh's when the artist lived in the yellow house at Arles.

When the Irish potato famine caused people to lose their homes, some individuals - like Judy O'Donnel - found "habitation" under a bridge.

This 19th-century illustration, called Caesar Crossing the Rubicon, is an artistic rendering of Julius Caesar's famous decision to defy Roman law.

Jumbo the Elephantis the star of P.T. Barnum's "Greatest Show on Earth" where, it is said, he brings in the largest crowds in the history of the circu...

Kobie Coetsee, in charge of South Africa's prisons in the mid-80s, began a dialogue with Mandela which eventually freed the prisoner from his life sen...

The ancient Laws of Eshnunna, which scholars believe predate the Code of Hammurabi, contain a "mad dog law" specifying compensation if a rabid dog kil...

During the Nazi era, in Germany, Hitler and his supporters were obsessed with racial identity. The "Lebensborn" program was part of the Third Reich's...

During July of 1917, demonstrators in Petrograd (including sailors from Kronstadt) were met with fierce opposition by soldiers of the provisional gove...

Les Miserables is a massive novel, by Victor Hugo, perennially considered one of the world's best books.

This is episode two of Les Miserables.

Jean Valjean is the central character of Victor Hugo's ever-popular Les Miserables, but we don't really "meet him" until "Book Second" of Volume I.

Jean Valjean was imprisoned nineteen years - at hard labor - for breaking into a bakery, stealing a loaf of bread, then trying to escape from his life...

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