Ethics Story Briefs

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

As the Springboks prepared for their Rugby-Cup match against Australia (then the reigning world champions) , President Mandela visited them - unexpect...

Sinn Fin (meaning "Ourselves Alone") is an Irish political party favoring Irish Republicanism for ALL of Ireland, including Northern Ireland. This ima...

In the election of 1910, many Irish nationalists were elected to Parliament.

This drawing - entitled Africans on Board the Slave Bark Wildfire, April 30, 1860 - was published in Harper's Weekly on the 2nd of June, 1860.

A pro-Southern political cartoon intended to show that American slaves were better-off than British workers.

Since it became America's capital city, circa 1800, Washington City had slaves. This compendium includes laws impacting slavery in the District.

This letter, dated the 4th of April 1864, reflects President Lincoln's personal view of slavery.

Slave owners would pay rewards to anyone who helped recover fugitive slaves.

Compilation of images, from 1764, illustrating what Africans endured after being kidnapped by slavers.

In 1843, before he began writing "A Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens visited the industrialized town of Manchester, England.

Eva, the fictional heroine in "Someone Named Eva," is a victim of Nazi-Germany's "Lebenborn" program. What is that program? How did it impact the live...

Since the start of the space age, countries sending objects into space have created a large amount of debris which continues to orbit the Earth.

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