Ethics Videos

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Haunted while awake, haunted while asleep, Raskolnikov cannot escape his crime.

Exploring ideas of socialism with a group of friends, Dostoevsky was arrested and, after a trial of sorts, was condemned to death.

Some of the people who knew Denis Thatcher well - Bill Deedes, Bernard Ingham and Matthew Parris - agreed to talk about the Prime Minister's consort w...

In this clip, of interviews conducted by Carol Thatcher, some of Denis Thatcher's friends (or associates) describe the Prime Minister's consort.

As fiercely opposing sides gathered in Oxford, Mississippi - at the campus of Ole Miss - a battle over desegregation intensified.

Slaves helped to build the White House which upset First Lady Abigail Adams. She and John Adams were the first family to move into the Executive Mansi...

Thomas-Francois Dalibard and Georges-Louis Leclerc (the Count of Buffon) translated Benjamin Franklins theories about studying electricity into French...

Conducting an experiment to measure the voltage emitted by a Torpedo Fish, when catching its prey, Professor Jim Al-Khalili (from the Open University)...

Scientists say that DNA is the instruction manual for building life, but what does that really mean?

Written in 1866, Crime and Punishment features the city of St.

"A novel needs a hero," says the "Underground Man.

In a life-long struggle, Dostoevsky thought about whether God exists.

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