Ethics Videos

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

Gandhi once told an associate (V.

Following a period of racial tension and riots during 1967, the city of Cleveland erupted in riots between July 23-28, 1968.

In July of 1940, Hitler's goal was to intimidate Britain. Britain's goal was to resist Hitler and to eliminate Germany's bombers which were flying ov...

What happened in Ukraine, during 1932-33, which caused people to describe a famine in that country as Holodomor ("death by starvation)?

To this day, people in Ukraine (and elsewhere) remember the great famine of 1932-33.

The great famine of 1932-33, in Ukraine, took the lives of millions of people - yet, it is little known in the rest of the world.

This clip, from "Harvest of Despair," continues the story of the great Ukrainian famine of 1932-33.

Concluding clip from "Harvest of Despair," a film which presents the great Ukrainian famine (of 1932-33) as a preventable event, engineered by the Sov...

Irish school children, in the 1960s, tell the story of St. Patrick (of St. Patrick's Day).

Who was Hirohito? What was he like as a boy? \What are his family roots? Did Japanese emperors always possess great power?

History records that Hirohito seemed to be in a good mood on the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. Historians argue that when he approved the attack, he ...

On the 70th anniversary of VJ Day, people still wonder whether Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, was responsible for Japan's role in WWII. To his people, Hi...

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