Ethics Videos

Ideas about good and bad behavior in our personal relations, online actions and business practices to moral philosophy examining concepts of right and wrong - all this is in the field of ethics.

In 1857, and before, British rulers in India used local soldiers (called "Sepoys") to supplement Britain's army on the subcontinent.

This clip, from a BBC documentary on Margaret Thatcher, highlights her final days as Prime Minister and explains how she lost power when members of he...

What was it like for ten-year-old children (and those even younger) to work as miners?

This documentary - entitled The Atom Strikes!

This Welsh song, from the 18th century, remains popular. This stirring rendition is by the Royal Regiment of Wales' Band.

When the mood of the people turned against Mossadeq, during the 1953 coup, he was arrested and his home was ransacked. This clip, which includes hi...

Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq became Iran's Prime Minister in 1951.  A nationalist, he wasted no time in carrying out his plan to protect his country's...

In this 60 Minutes segment, entitled Mr.

Move the clip forward, to approximately 1:34, to see Robert Gupta - at the time the youngest member of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra - work w...

The Navajo people viewed their lands - including their mountains - as sacred.

When the Navajo refused to give up their homes and land, Kit Carson and his soldiers embarked on a "scorched earth" policy about a year before General...

The stories which the Navajo tell about "The Fearing Time" - as they made "The Long Walk" to the parched territory of Bosque Rodondo - are filled with...

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