Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Confederate and Union soldiers fight for the first time at Bull Run on July 21, 1861.

King George III is unwillingtocompromise with the colonies in order to avoid a long and costly war.

Read a poem about the life of Caitlin Hammaren, a 19 year-old sophomore in International Studies and French.

Learn what it is like to be a soldier during the Civil War through pictures from the National Archives.

Many Japanese Americans go to Camp Manzanar, receive vaccinations, and live in desert conditions.

Photographs, documents and drawings show the appalling life in prisoner of war camps O'Donnell and Cabanatuan.

Canadian troops land at Juno Beach and face fierce German opposition.

The Wright brothers, and other flight pioneers, study how birds fly and use that understanding to design the first gliders.

Capone is convicted on federal charges of tax evasion in 1931 and sentenced to federal prison; he is released on parole in 1939.

How Captain Cook changed the way Hawaiians lived.

Captain Cook in Hawaii

After a 12-day manhunt, Booth is tracked down and killed.

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