Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

After the papers are made public, Ellsberg and Russo are tried, but the case is dismissed.

The Marines battle 10,000 Japanese soldiers hiding in caves and other dug in areas; there are many casualties on both sides.

Thousands of Japanese die on Saipan; Americans suffer many losses as well.

Many Huguenots come to America so they can worship as they see fit.

Both Catholics and Protestants use death and torture to convince people that their religion is the only one.

One theory has it that meteor sparks might have ignited the blaze the night of Chicago's Great Fire in October, 1871.

Two giant undersea slabs (tectonic plates) collide and rupture the Earth's crust.

The massive Banda Aceh quake causes tons of displaced water to roar toward Indian-Ocean shorelines. A massive tsunami is thus set in motion.

The stock market crash, Hoover and failing banks are all causes of the Great Depression, but there are others still unknown.

Victor Emmanuel II, King of Piedmont-Sardinia, and his Prime Minister, Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, build relationships to help them rid Italy of fo...

Book burning ends as the Middle Ages draw to a close, but censorship continues.

In honor of the astronauts, Challenger Learning Centers provide space and science information.

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