Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Guiteau blames President Garfield for his unsuccessful career.

Charles Howard, Seabiscuit's owner, is a car salesman who takes horses for trade on his cars.

James' son Charles I is condemned to death and beheaded for treason.

Even though the American Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech, Americans practice censorship.

During Chicago's Great Fire of 1871, people are not able to escape death even when seeking safety in Lake Michigan.

Although Chicago has modern equipment, the city has far-too-few firefighters in 1871.

Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI have four children but only one - a daughter - reaches adulthood.

The Communist Chinese Forces (CCF) from Manchuria aid North Korea; they quickly overrun the US and their allies in the South.

The country comes to the aid of Chicago, but no one pays any attention to the other Midwest cities which also burn on October 8.

Jackie Robinson is politically independent but fights for civil rights.

The Free State Army and the Irish Republican Army continue to fight.

SC Standards 8-4.2: Analyze how sectionalism arose from racial tension, including the Denmark Vesey Plot, slave codes, and the growth of the abolitio...

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