Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Clara Barton raises money for the homeless and sends strawberry plants to farmers.

Two superpowers - the US and the USSR - send back-and-forth letters, each demanding that the other remove missiles from nearby countries.

Chapter 1 of How the Game of Monopoly Saved Over 10,000 Soldiers

Navajo code talkers prevent a massacre of Marines on Saipan, although the Japanese continue to fight.

King George III is unwilling to compromise with the colonies in order to avoid a long and costly war. The colonists are willing to rebel to overthrow ...

Color photos of the Great Depression provide a glimpse into the lives of people enduring hardship while still keeping love in their lives.

On 1 Feb 2003, the crew dies and parts of Columbia are scattered as the shuttle disintegrates over a large area.

The Columbia carries a well-trained crew of seven when it launches in 2003.

Columbia's first mission, in 1981, proved that a space shuttle could lift-off, travel in space and return to earth.

Columbia's launch appears perfect, but debris strikes the shuttle's left wing.

Engineers observe increasing heat in the Challenger's left wheel well upon reentry.

Some cultures consider comets as omens of disasters.

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