Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Some cultures consider comets as omens of disasters.

Although he cannot hear all the notes with his ears, Beethoven writes some of the best-known symphonies of all times.

Operation Rolling Thunder demonstrates increased conflict with bombs and napalm dropped on Viet Cong structures.

Wilberforce and others who oppose slavery struggle to convince the public to outlaw slavery.

With help from France, Americans win the war when the British surrender at Yorktown.

Lewis and William Clark start the Corps of Discovery to explore the west; 45 men took food, supplies, gifts for Indians and rifles.

The island of Corregidor holds the last of the US and Filipino troops, it falls to the Japanese on May 6, 1942.

Four years after Cory Lidle plays so well for the 2002 A's team, he has a fatal plane crash.

Joan is 17 years old and believes the Saints she prays to want her to go to the Dauphin and convince him that she can lead his army.

Jackie Robinson faces charges of being disrespectful to investigating officers, rather than refusing to move to the rear of the bus.

Recorded in England since 1678, crop circles yield bigger crop production.

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