Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

NASA has announced that its rover, "Opportunity," is no-longer functioning on Mars.

A chain of events weakens Deepwater Horizon's blowout preventer.

After launch, a piece of external-tank insulation breaks loose and strikes Columbia's left wing.

The US threatens a shipping quarantine, while Russia will not allow US inspectors to board their ships.

Three strokes of the axe take Marys head, and Elizabeth guarantees there are no relics and no proper burial.

Examine the facts and legends that surround St. Patrick's life.

The final collapse of the blowout preventer leads to huge explosions on the Deepwater Horizon.

During the afternoon of October 26th, 1881, a famous gunfight erupts in Tombstone between the lawmen and the Cowboys.

TheHimalayan Mountains claim nine of the world's ten highest peaks, including the highest Mount Everest.

Germany invades Belgium in 1914 based on rumors the French will fight Germany there.

Actions of a few fanatics have led to fear of the Muslim religion, where Muhammad is the last prophet sent by God.

During the middle ages, when feudalism was prevalent in Europe, a commoner remained a commoner throughout his or her life.

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