Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

After Hitler's suicide, the war in Europe was over. During the final days of the Third Rheich, Nazis continued to harm concentration-camp victims, for...

Ludwig faces financial problems and has to find sponsors when his music cannot support him. He does his best not to become overwhelmed with worry.

Fire-fighting has advanced greatly since the bucket-and-mops days, but pre-20th-century "fire engines" are only as good as technological advances allo...

B-29 bombers drop fire bombs and napalm to burn Tokyo; see photographs of the destruction.

A large number of firemen - 343 to be exact - die on September 11, trying to save people from burning buildings following a terrorist attack.

The largely forgotten fire in Peshtigo, Wisconsin is much-more deadly than the fire in Chicago.

In today's society, the right to worship as one sees fit is law.

Bessie Coleman, a pioneering aviator, was born 125 years ago on January 26, 1892. In 1921, she became the first African-American female pilot. To make...

AnItalian team is the first to reach the second highest point on earth, K2, in the summer of 1954.

After the famous flag-raising, the battle for Iwo Jima continues for 31 more days and several of the flag raisers die in combat.

Bundy and McNamara insist that America go in fighting; the Vietnamese only want peace, but cannot defeat Viet Cong without American help.

The heroic actions of Flight 93's passengers avert another strike on a Washington, D.C. target - most likely the Capitol.

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