Famous Historical Topics & Events Documents

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

This image depicts a souvenir from the Japanese surrender ceremony which took place on September 2, 1945.The Naval Historical Center provides a captio...

This is a facsimile image of the signature page for Japan’s surrender.  The document was signed during a formal surrender ceremony on board...

  This image depicts the first page of the surrender document which formally ended the War in the Pacific during World War II. It was signed by...

After his wife died, Thomas Jefferson was devastated.  His daughter Martha, who was ten at the time, said that her father fainted when her mother...

In 1774, Thomas Jefferson was a delegate to the Virginia Convention.  Representing Albemarle County, Jefferson drafted this set of instructions f...

About fourteen months before he died, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to Henry Lee.  Dated the 8th of May, 1825, the letter expresses (among othe...

This image depicts the concluding page of Thomas Jefferson's May 8, 1825 letter to Henry Lee in which he describes what was important to him as he dra...

Jefferson's letter to Napoleon, regarding the "Louisiana Purchase," is maintained by the National Archives.

President Jefferson asked Congress for $2,500 for the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the West - all the way to the Pacific Ocean. 

The second page of President Jefferson's request to Congress for $2,500 for the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the West - all the way to the Pa...

This is the text of the speech which President Kennedy gave to the American people, the night of October 22, 1962.  When the country tuned-in to ...

This article reports on the later years of Henry Rathbone and Clara Harris Rathbone.  When they were engaged, they attended the play with the Lin...

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