Famous Historical Topics & Events Documents

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

On the 4th of July, 1776, John Hancock sent a letter to General George Washington advising that the colonies had unanimously declared themselves indep...

When he represented the Amistad captives in the U.S. Supreme Court, John Quincy Adams personally handwrote his briefs.  This image depicts one of...

Long after his death as a martyr in England, John Rogers was remembered in America.  His story was included in a children’s text book in Ne...

Image of the signature page of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  President Lyndon Johnson signed this on July 2, 1964. Click on the image for a bet...

During his trial, in the summer of 1867, John Surratt produced witnesses who swore he was in Elmira, New York the day after Lincoln's shooting.  ...

This text image depicts a page from Jupiter Hammon's famous speech to the African Society of New York City which he gave on the 24th of Sept...

This text image depicts a page from Jupiter Hammon's famous speech to the African Society of New York City which he gave on the 24th of Sept...

This text image depicts a page from Jupiter Hammon's famous speech to the African Society of New York City which he gave on the 24th of Sept...

This text image depicts a page from Jupiter Hammon's famous speech to the African Society of New York City which he gave on the 24th of Sept...

Image of Justice Frankfurter's notes regarding the Brown v. Board of Education II case.  Notice the words he used:  ...with all deliberat...

Bookcover image of K-19 the Widowmaker: The Secret Story of The Soviet Nuclear Submarine, by Peter Huchthausen.

This image depicts the last page of a letter which Kaiser Wilhelm wrote to President Woodrow Wilson before World War I erupted.  It contains a KE...

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