Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

At the age of thirteen, while in her parents' garden, Joan of Arc began to see visions of saints.

It was Joe Rosenthal who took the famous flag-raising photo at Iwo Jima.

John Adams, who was part of the Declaration-of-Independence-drafting committee, argued in favor of approving Lee's Resolution to sever the colonies' t...

John Ball, a priest who encouraged peasants to revolt in 1381, would ultimately pay for his words and deeds with his life.

On Iwo Jima's D-Day - February 19, 1945 - Basilone was a machine-gun section leader who came ashore on Red Beach 2.

John Basilone (born on November 4, 1916) was the sixth of Salvatore and Dora Basilone's ten children.

John Cabot - the Anglicized version of Giovanni Caboto's name - is believed to be the first European explorer to visit parts of North America since th...

In his Friendship 7 space capsule, John Glenn is the first American to orbit Earth, becoming an instant hero in the process. His historic trip takes p...

Once a slave trader, John Newton undergoes religious conversion and eventually writes the hymn "Amazing Grace."

John Robinson was the much-loved pastor of the Pilgrims while they were living in Leiden, The Netherlands. He suggested that they go to America to liv...

By 1904, when people begin to worry about the potentially addictive effects of coca leaves, John Pemberton has to change his Coca Cola formula.

John Wilkes Booth died four hours after Sgt. Boston Corbett shot him at Garrett's farm.

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