Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Riding a very fast roan mare, which he'd rented earlier in the day, John Wilkes Booth escapes from Ford's Theatre, is on the run for 12 days and final...

NASA's Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) had to be redesigned, after its design flaws caused the loss of Challenger and its seven astronauts.

Dr. Jonas Salkgave a lengthy interview toEdward R. Murrowto explain how his polio vaccine would work.

Judge John Roll, a controversial and influential Arizona jurist, dies heroically protecting another after being shot in a politcally charged rampage a...

Despite the danger all around him, Julien Bryan continues to film and photograph Hitler's invasion of Poland, including the devastation in Warsaw.

Juno Beach was the segment of the Normandy coastline assigned to the Canadians on D-Day.

On 31 July 1954, two Italian men were getting closer to the summit of K-2.

In the immediate aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attacks - on December 7, 1941 - the U.S. government used the smallisland of Kahoolawe-off the shore of ...

Ken Taylor, Canada's Ambassador to Iran, risked his own life to help six Americans escape from Tehran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. He was awarde...

Several ships are at sea, in the vicinity of Krakatoa, when the volcano dramatically erupts on August 26, 1883. Ships are in danger from the volcano's...

After Krakatoa's stupendous explosion - on the 27th of August, 1883 - the volcano spewed out another monstrous pyroclastic flow.

As a result of the Krakatoa eruption and resulting tsunami, the Fourth Point Lighthouse meets a terrible fate.

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