Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

As North Vietnamese troops neared Saigon, many people attempted to flee the city by helicopter. Hubert van Es took an iconic photo of those events on ...

After hijackers took control of United Flight 175, Peter Hanson - a passenger - called his parents from the plane.

After President Lincoln was shot in the head, people at Ford's Theater tried to assist him.

One of the wonders of the ancient world, the lighthouse at Alexandria, Egypt was located on the island of Pharos.

It's July 3, 1863 and "Pickett's Charge" is about to begin. It ends in disaster for the Confederacy on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg.

In this clip, from "Gettysburg," General Longstreet instructs Colonel Alexander and General Pettigrew on the details for an attack which has since bee...

Mattia Preti (1613-1699) - also referred to as Il Cavalier Calabrese - created this painting in 1663.

This painting, by Dr. Mike Haywood, recreates the moment of the Pilgrim's first landing in America. This is not the landing at Plymouth (Plimoth) whi...

When the Pilgrims left Leiden, they began their journey to America on the Vliet Canal (sometimes referred to as the Vliet River).

Determined that Marie Antoinette would be condemned to death, French-Revolution leaders put her through a trial on October 14, 1793.

This map illustrates the plan of siege for Yorktown and Gloucester Point.

No one can be totally sure that the rock depicted in this image - known as Plymouth Rock - is really the stepping stone on which William Bradford (and...

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