Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

"Houston, we've had a problem," are the words Apollo 13's crew used to alert ground control of a near-fatal episode in space. Did the crew of Apollo 1...

Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, Commander of the USSRs 62nd Army, was at Stalingrad during one of the worlds most-deadly battles.

October 23 is "World Polio Day." Step back to a time when Boards of Health issue warning signs to guard against contracting polio in the early 20th ce...

Sermons, like this one from clergy like Abraham Keteltas, supported colonial revolutionary ideas by saying that God and Biblical authority backed thei...

The rediscovery of Pompeii initially happens by chance - in 1599 - when Domenico Fontana (an architect) is called in to investigate why workers diggin...

Pope Urban II gave a speech at the Council of Clermont, in 1095, which ended-up being one of the most significant of the medieval era. He urged the pe...

Henry Morgan was born in Wales but is most-known for his escapades as a buccaneer.

Image of a map depicting naval positions on the day before the battle of Salamis and the day of the battle.

We learn more about the potato blight which caused Ireland such misery, during the mid-19th century, from the USDA.This image, for example, depicts wh...

With very little food and no money to buy provisions starving Irish families looked to the government for help.

As reporters and illustrators for various newspapers visit the Irish countryside, they are appalled by what they see. Out of their former homes, and ...

Attending the Potsdam Conference in Europe, President Truman wanted to avoid dropping an atomic bomb over Japan until he had left the meetings.

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