Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

European Landing Sites for Shuttle Flights - What happens if the shuttle crew detects a problem, after launch, while the orbiter is over the Atlantic?

The battle at Stony Point, which took place in July of 1779, was (according to the National Park Service) "the last military action of importance in t...

When the U.S. was finally able to send a teacher into space, successfully, more than 20 years had passed since Christa McAuliffe's tragic death aboard...

This image depicts some of the tea which was thrown into Boston Harbor on the 16th of December, 1773, during an event known as "The Boston Tea Party.

A Brooklyn penny-candy-store owner (named Morris Michtom) was so intrigued by a 1902 political cartoon (featuring Theodore Roosevelt with a bear cub) ...

Ted Kennedy gave the eulogy for his brother, Bobby, at the St.

The Temple of Artemis (Diana), at Ephesus, went through many different versions. One of the last versions became a Wonder of the Ancient World.

The coast of Normandy, at the area of Omaha Beach, is not exactly perfect for landing a large-scale invasion force.

The Ancient Olympics included equestrian events, beginning circa 680 B.

Abraham Lincoln originated America's annual Thanksgiving Day when he issued a proclamation, in 1863, declaring the last Thursday of November as a nati...

Nellie Bly did not let the challenges of being a woman stop her in her quest to inform the world of injustices being done.

Who were the men who sent America to war in Vietnam?

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