Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

During the 14th century, when the plague struck Europe, even doctors were unsure what was happening.

When the Bolsheviks came to power, during the Russian Revolution, they were led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

When Columbus arrived in the Bahamas, in 1492, he began an exchange of crops, animals and diseases which still impact the world. It is known as "The C...

February 3, 1959, is known as "the day the music died" when Buddy Holly (22), Ritchie Valens (17) and J.P. ("The Big Bopper") Richardson (28) died whe...

This image depicts the Geneva Bible which was published in 1560.

At nearly midnight, on the 4th of November 1605, Guy Fawkes was hours away from blowing up the Houses of Parliament.

On September 1, 1941, German Jews received the police directive that all Jews above the age of six to wear a yellow star.

A famous cartoon, by an unknown artist, depicts how Colonial Americans viewed their mother country (and their future without her).

Who were the Huns? What kind of soldiers were they? How did they accomplish so much under the leadership of Atilla?

In 1927, "The Jazz Singer," became the first "talkie" picture.

On the night before Halloween, 1938, Orson Welles and his colleagues at Mercury Theatre on the Air played a prank on the American people.

On June 30, 1905, an obscure patent-office clerk in Switzerland submits a world-changing paper. Without the brilliance of Albert Einstein and his "mir...

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