Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

You can learn the events leading up to the overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation.

Robert Leckie and other U.S. Marines fight the Japanese during the Battle of Guadalcanal. It is a fearsome time for such young men.

Robert Leckie describes his experience during the battle of Pelelieu

The real U-571 was not the actual U-boat featured in the film, U-571. The real U-571 sank west of Ireland after it was attacked by an RAAF crew operat...

The last days of the Romanov family begins with these words: ''At midnight, Yakov Yurovsky, the leader of the executioners, came up the stairs to awak...

Begin the inquiry, into Hue, with the story of uncovering bodies of loved ones. Follow the story to learn more about the battle which turned many Amer...

When do paintings tell the real story and when do they depict a romanticized view of events? Does it matter? How do we determine when a piece of art c...

Learn how anonymous people, celebrating peace at the end of World War II and captured in an iconic photograph - were identified years later.

It's 110 years since America's largest-recorded avalanche struck the town of Wellington in Washington state. How did this disaster occur?

Before the Civil War erupted, Thomas Jonathon Jackson was a professor at VMI (Virginia Military Institute).

Poor Laws, which Britain imposed on Ireland, caused many Irish people to lose their homes. Tim Downs was one of them.

Although the American Colonies have declared their independence from Britain, General Washington and his men are losing on the battlefields. Then Wash...

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