Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Henry Mucci needs Robert Prince - a man whom he calls my wonderful Captain - to plan the raid on Cabanatuan.

Ethan Allen wrote a narrative about his war experiences, including Ticonderogas fall:The authority of the Congress being very little known at the time...

On June 7, 1900, Carrie Nation walked into a Kansas saloon and starting smashing bottles of alcoholic drinks. Her first husband was addicted to alcoho...

This artist's conception depicts a view of how it may appear as the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft orbits Saturn.

It didn't matter what Catherine said. People, everywhere, believed that she and her cow had started the "Great Fire."

This NASA graphic highlights the Space Shuttle Challenger, her last crew, the patches from her numerous missions and a featured spacewalk.

In the late summer of 1831, Charles Darwin was invited to accompany Captain Robert FitzRoyon avoyage aboard a ship to South America.

Charles Darwin was grief stricken when his daughter Annie died (most likely from tuberculosis).

This painting depicts Charles I with his wife, Queen Henrietta Maria (of France) and two of their children: Prince Charles, who later became King Char...

Charles Nelson Reilly - who became a famous actor, comedian, director and drama teacher - was attending the Ringling Bros. circus, in Hartford, on the...

On the 14th of October, 1947, Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager flew an airplane at speeds which reached Mach 1.

"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." -Winston Churchill

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