Famous Historical Topics & Events Story Briefs

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

On the 4th of June, 1940, Winston Churchill addressed Parliament about the rescue of surrounded British and French soldiers at Dunkirk. It was the la...

Religious leaders in Cleveland protest the buidling of a segregated school, but a deadly accident fails to stop its construction.

FromThe Chronicles of Froissart, this image depicts a masked ball attended by nobility (including King Charles VI). Based on an actual event - called...

Colonel Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr.

The old North Bridge was the scene of a battle between Patriots and Redcoats on the 19th of April, 1775. It remains a famous American landmark.

Although they had been successful at Lexington, the British Regulars were not as fortunate at Concord.

The Catholic Church bans Nicolaus Copernicus's book on the 5th of March, 1616 (decades after his death). Why ban a book which Catholic Universities ha...

Television is in its infancy on the day of George VI's coronation. As he and his Queen Consort, Elizabeth, make their way to Westminster Abbey - on M...

The Nazi's bombed Coventry to brea morale, learn why it did not work.

Mexico's independence began with an event called "The Cry of Dolores" when a priest challenged his parishioners: "Will you free yourselves?"

Celebrating 2000 Martian days of exploring the Red Planet, Curiosity is a moving science lab, considerably different from "Spirit" and "Opportunity" b...

Danzig, a city in German-controlled Prussia during WWII—and now, as Gdansk, part of Poland—was particularly damaged during the war.Hitler ...

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