Famous Historical Topics & Events Videos

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Gandhi's stunning achievements, and his legacy of non-violent resistance, became a model for other leaders of oppressed people.

Gandhi remains a highly respected man in his home country (India) and around the world. Who was he as a man and as a leader?

During the "high water mark of the Confederacy," General Armistead (whose friends called him "Lo") leads his Confederate brigade toward the center of ...

General Eisenhower (October 14, 1890 - March 28, 1969) returns to England, France and America as a military hero after Germany's surrender.

Newton discovered the concept of gravity, but no one before Einstein figured out what caused gravity.

Lifting the siege of Beijing, Genghis Khan ordered total annihilation of the city and its residents.

Even though the people of Beijing had been without food for so long, because Genghis Khans men attacked their suppliers, the city still had a powerful...

Temujen's army eventually conquered 12,000,000 square miles.

Temujen made a vow to never be defeated again.

Undaunted by the Great Wall, Genghis Khan and his army went around it.

On the 8th of June, 1924, George Mallory and Andrew (Sandy) Irvine were attempting to reach the summit of Mt.

Did George Mallory and Sandy Irvine reach the top of Mt. Everest before they disappeared? Seven decades after their attempt, Conrad Anker finds Mallor...

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