Famous Historical Topics & Events Videos

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

As George VI continues to do well in his new position, his brother - the Duke of Windsor (the former Edward VIII) - embarrasses the country with his o...

This is the King's Speech which George VI broadcast to his people in Britain, and throughout the Empire, immediately after Britain's Declaration of Wa...

This historic footage - recorded on January 31, 1952 - depicts the last time King George VI was seen in public.

Not long before he died, King George VI wrote a thank-you letter to Lionel Logue.

As rationing takes hold throughout Britain, the residents of Buckingham Palace also eat food they'd never had before.

As Europe succumbs to the Nazi blitzkrieg, the Netherlands also falls.

At the end of America's revolutionary war, thirteen U.S. states had thirteen different sets of laws. The question became: "Are we to be a nation?" If...

George Washington lived on his family plantation, called Mount Vernon, located along the Potomac River in the colony (now state) of Virginia.

George Walker Bush - born on July 6, 1946 - is the oldest child of President George H.

When Richard Nixon resigned the presidency on the 9th of August, 1974, America's Vice-President was sworn in as the country's 38th chief executive.

This is a German newsreel - UFA Ton Woche No.

This historical footage depicts the type of defenses which German forces, and people under their command, built along the French coastline.

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