Famous Historical Topics & Events Videos

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Part 7 of "Caught on Camera.

Part 8 of "Caught on Camera.

As disaster unfolded, during the 26 December 2004 earthquake and resulting tsunami, many people recorded the events as they occurred.

As soon as the Japanese government had information about the likelihood of a massive tsunami - following the 8.

When an earthquake-caused tsunami crashes ashore, it is moving so fast that it cannot be outrun.

"Ultra" was the cover-name given to the actual intelligence, obtained from decoding Germany's military messages at Bletchley Park, which was secretly ...

Was Einstein so brilliant that he could dismiss the unpredictability of quantum mechanics - or - was he simply wrong that everything (including outcom...

Iran and America had friendly diplomatic relations until 1953, when the U.

After delivering parts of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, the USS Indianapolis is torpedoed and sinks in July of 1945. Years later, a 12-year-old school bo...

In this newsreel, from 16 June 1952, President Truman dedidcates America's first nuclear-powered submarine - the USS Nautilus (SSN 571) - in Groton, C...

The V-2 was developed by Hitler's team of rocket scientists, built by slave laborers and first used in September of 1944. The damage they caused, both...

Historians argue whether the Stalingrad duel between Vasily Zaitsev and Major Koenig ever really happened.

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