Famous Historical Topics & Events Videos

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

After telling the British people that Hitler was dead, Winston Churchill declared that May 8, 1945 would be VE (Victory in Europe) Day.

Germany had a plan for the battle of Verdun.

The historic city of Verdun had special meaning for the French people in February of 1916.

As the battle for Verdun - and its surrounding forts - grew ever-more costly, the French defenders rallied around this charge: "Verdun Must Not Fall!

As another German assault against Verdun began on the 23rd of June, 1916, French troops remembered the words of their General to not let the enemy pas...

Head of the greatest empire on earth, Victoria was a woman of contradictions.

Themistocles - an Athenian leader in 480 B.

After Alice Paul, Lucy Burns and their colleagues are released, they renew their efforts to get a constitutional amendment, granting women the right t...

Universal Newsreel provided coverage of the attack in Pleiku in February of 1965.

As scenes from Vietnam filled American television screens, night after night, people in the country began to grow very weary of the war.

During the Tet Offensive, in early 1968, U.

By 1967, protestors gathered in large crowds to raise their collective voices against the Vietnam war.

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