Fiction Chapters

Great novels are often connected-to (or based-on) real-life events. It's fun to search-for (and uncover) those connections. This Collection features fictional stories with real-life tie-ins.

Lewis reasons his way back to Christian faith and understands the doubts of other skeptics.

For years Lewis is an atheist, but his close friends, including J.R.R. Tolkien, are religious and he comes to believe in God.

King Agamemnon takes Achilles' war prize, which results in Achilles refusing to fight. Getting the prize back involves Hector of Troy, Patroclus, and ...

In E.T.A. Hoffman's story about "The Nutcracker," a family gathers around the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. In addition to all the wonderful presen...

The Princess inherits a large part of the state ofHawaii and she leaves her estate to the state's native children.

The movie character Alex, from "Alex and Emma," is based on the famous 19th century Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Cold Mountain is a peak in Pisgah National Forest; people who live there during the Civil War sing in the Shape-Note tradition which continues today.

The real D'Artagnan is Charles de Batz-Castelmore d'Artagnan, a French man born between 1610-1620.

Anna Snitkina helps Dostoevsky complete his work and begins a relationship with him.

E.B. White's real-life saltwater farm in Maine is the basis of the Zuckerman Farm in "Charlotte's Web."

The movie Chicago is made after the 1996 revival of the musical.

Gladiators fight each other and animals in the Roman games.

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