Fiction Chapters

Great novels are often connected-to (or based-on) real-life events. It's fun to search-for (and uncover) those connections. This Collection features fictional stories with real-life tie-ins.

A power boating accident leaves Elizabeth King in a coma and on life support.

Two white men torture and murder young Emmett Till.

Sixty years on, remember Emmett Till whose visit with relatives in Mississippi led to grossly unfair treatment under Jim Crow laws. His Mother's react...

A murder attempt on Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, leader of the Huguenots (Protestants), starts a massacre.

Larsson's Expo magazine focuses on publicly exposing unfair conditions in Sweden.

As Anna takes dictation, she and Dostoevsky fall in love and develop their personal relationship.

WWII broadcasts give C.S. Lewis the opportunity to share his writings and philosophy. He becomes very influential via those BBC broadcasts.

The King family travels through the Hawaiian Islands to find Brian Speer, to tell him that Elizabeth will soon be taken off life support.

Since the death of her father, Katniss is responsible for hunting and gathering food for her families even though the government forbids it.

Supporters of civil rights come together during "Freedom Summer" to register new black voters.

Anna and Dostoevsky work together and their relationship becomes personal.

There is evidence that the lives of the Brothers Grimm, in Germany, influence their fairy tales.

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