Fiction Chapters

Great novels are often connected-to (or based-on) real-life events. It's fun to search-for (and uncover) those connections. This Collection features fictional stories with real-life tie-ins.

William Makepeace Thackeray illustrates his own book; see a sampling of those pictures.

Dore, an artist from France, creates seventy-five images of Dante's Purgatory.

Through intense pain and happiness, his faith is tested but ultimately prevails.

With no reason to suspect that Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde are the same person, Gabriel Utterson receives a letter written by Edward Hyde. The lawyer...

Much of the southern part of Britain is occupied by Angles; the area, called Angle-land, later becomes England.

The Ayatollah moves to France and begins to air his views in order to make his country into an Islamic Republic.

To keep blacks from becoming voters, Mississippi's constitution forces educational requirements on them.

To boost attendance at Jurassic World, scientists decide to create a hybrid dinosaur called Indominus Rex using DNA collected from four other fearsome...

Katniss and Peeta, the last two Tributes, decide to defy the government by committing suicide to deprive the Capitol of a winner.

As Nutcracker resumes his ability to speak, he visits Marie. Asking her to travel with him, to see wonderful things, Nutcracker assures Marie that she...

Laura Brown, a character in the novel "The Hours," begins to blur the world of Mrs. Dalloway with the reality of her own life.

Resources to learn more about the life and legacy of Jack Lewis

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