Fiction Story Briefs

Great novels are often connected-to (or based-on) real-life events. It's fun to search-for (and uncover) those connections. This Collection features fictional stories with real-life tie-ins.

Learning lessons from the three Ghosts, Scrooge is appalled at the way looters are selling the stuff they've taken from a dead man's home.

Sol Eytinge, Jr. created illustrations for an 1868 edition of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."

After declining his nephew's invitation, Ebenezer Scrooge has a change of heart. He surprises his family by actually showing-up at Fred's home.

C.S. ("Jack") Lewis found love late in life, but his marriage to Joy Gresham did not last long.

As Germany invades, then occupies, the country of Norway its people rise-up to resist Hitler and his soldiers. Teenagers, as well as adults, join the ...

During the summer of 1864, Union engineers from Pennsylvania dug a tunnel under Confederate lines at Petersburg, Virginia, planning to detonate a huge...

There was a real Dracula. Learn how Sigismund of Luxembourg (1369-1437) gave the Dracula family its name.

Robert Louis Stevenson lived at Skerrymore Cottage, in Bournemouth, when he wrote "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." It was here that he destr...

Dwarfs are a part of German folklore. In “Snow White” - known in German as Schneeweisschen - the dwarfs are miners.

"Snow White" - the fairy tale - has captured the imagination of children for hundreds of years.

Heinrich Karl Bukowski - better known as Charles Bukowski (or "Hank," to his friends and family) - was born in Andernach, Germany on the 16th of Augus...

Stieg Larsson used Astrid Lindgren's famous fictional character - Pippi Longstocking - as a model for his fictional character, Lisbeth Salander.

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