Geography Story Briefs

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

The coast of Normandy, at the area of Omaha Beach, is not exactly perfect for landing a large-scale invasion force.

After the Civil War, federal troops returned to Texas. It had become a much-more volatile place during the years they were away.

When cowboys drove herds of cattle from Texas to Kansas, they were moving Texas Longhorns.

The Alps stretch across southern Europe, from France (in the west) to northern Slovenia and Austria (in the east).

During the 14th century, when the plague struck Europe, even doctors were unsure what was happening.

When the Bolsheviks came to power, during the Russian Revolution, they were led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

When Columbus arrived in the Bahamas, in 1492, he began an exchange of crops, animals and diseases which still impact the world. It is known as "The C...

The Etruscan League, historians believe, flourished in Central Italy for a time before Rome became the dominant force on the Italian Peninsula. Today ...

When Joseph Stalin came to power, after the death of Vladimir Lenin, he decided to force a monumental change in the way people in the Soviet Union rai...

Who were the Huns? What kind of soldiers were they? How did they accomplish so much under the leadership of Atilla?

When he is 18 years old, Pliny the Younger and his mother are living at his Uncle's villa in Misenum. They are there when Vesuvius begins its 18-hour...

How does Rosanna survive ''the night of the shooting stars?'' A child’s sense of wonder, and the words of a nursery rhyme, help to get her through.

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