Geography Story Briefs

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Robert Leckie describes his experience during the battle of Pelelieu

Robert Leckie and other U.S. Marines fight the Japanese during the Battle of Guadalcanal. It is a fearsome time for such young men.

Alcatraz Island, off the shore of San Francisco, was once home to a federal prison but is now a tourist attraction.

Theseus and The Minotaur is a Greek myth about the son of an Athenian king - Theseus - and a horrifying monster - "The Minotaur.

Begin the inquiry, into Hue, with the story of uncovering bodies of loved ones. Follow the story to learn more about the battle which turned many Amer...

Los Angeles has a large homeless population. Some of the city's homeless people live in the Skid Row section of town, not far from Disney Hall.

It's 110 years since America's largest-recorded avalanche struck the town of Wellington in Washington state. How did this disaster occur?

Kilimanjaro, the tallest point in Africa, is a dormant volcano located in northern Tanzania. Every year, more than 25,000 people attempt to reach its ...

The Tigris River forms the eastern boundary of Mesopotamia. Here are some key facts about this important body of water.

Poor Laws, which Britain imposed on Ireland, caused many Irish people to lose their homes. Tim Downs was one of them.

Meet Tollund Man, a Danish bog mummy who was rediscovered in May of 1950. How did he get there? When did he die?

At first, it seemed that Tollund Man had been laid to rest without a violent death. The, his discoverers saw a rope around his neck.

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